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Copy the embed code of the logo you wish to use and paste it into the html code of your website.

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Choose your preferred format and right click the image and select "Save Image As" to save the logo. Upload the logo to your server and link it to

SecureEFT Logo

SecureEFT logo in JPG format
Small scale aliased
background | 240 x 49px

<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="SecureEFT Logo" src="" height="49" width="240" /></a>
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SecureEFT Logo

SecureEFT in GIF format
Small scale aliased
background | 240 x 49px

<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="SecureEFT Logo" src="" height="49" width="240" /></a>
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SecureEFT Logo

SecureEFT logo in PNG format
Small scale aliased
background | 240 x 49px

<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="SecureEFT Logo" src="" height="49" width="240" /></a>
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What is secureEFT instant EFT?

SecureEFT is a streamlined version of a traditional EFT. It makes payment of a bank transfer a lot faster and easier by eliminating certain steps such as creating a beneficiary and entering a reference number or amount. SecureEFT only requires a buyer to log into their bank account and authenticate the payment through the banks one time pin or authentication methodology.

What are the advantages of using secureEFT?

  • Faster delivery of the goods you order online, as the merchant receives instant confirmation of the transaction immediately after you set up the transfer order.
  • No registration needed with secureEFT.
  • You don’t require a credit card,
  • Thanks to the two-factor authentication procedure (with confidential login details and confirmation code) using secureEFT is more secure than paying with a credit card.
  • No need to provide proof of payment.
  • All payment information that the bank requires for the transfer is already there prepopulated for you. That’s what makes this payment method so convenient.

How does secureEFT work?

  • Select secureEFT as your payment option during checkout
  • Select your bank from the list presented
  • Login to the secureEFT portal using your internet banking credentials
  • Select your account to pay from
  • The automated process will navigate and populate the relevant fields on your behalf in the background
  • Your bank will require you to authorize the payment by means of SMS, USSD Push or In-App approval
  • Once you have successfully authorized the transaction to your bank, the payment will be made to the Seller
  • SecureEFT sends an instant notification to the seller on the outcome of the transaction and in turn, the seller will process your order immediately. There is no need to send through a proof of payment and no need to wait for the funds to reflect in the seller’s bank account.

Why choose secureEFT?

Buyer benefits:

  • A swift, simple, secure 3-step payment process
  • Payments can be made from any bank account linked to your internet banking profile. This includes your credit account facility. It’s like using your credit card, but you do not need to enter the card number expiry date and cvv.
  • No registration required when making a payment via secureEFT
  • No application download required
  • All personal data remains private and is not stored
  • Real-time payment notifications and OTP requests
  • There is no need to send a Proof Of Payment(POP) after a payment is done
  • There is no need to memorize the payee’s account number, branch code and reference number

What banks are supported by secureEFT?

  • Nedbank
  • ABSA Bank
  • Standard Bank
  • FNB
  • Capitec Bank
  • Investec Bank

How my banking details are kept secure?

When making use of secureEFT, the communication between you and your bank occurs as it normally would, therefore the security of your bank’s internet banking is inherited.

  • SecureEFT guarantees the highest levels of security when paying online
  • SecureEFT has a Comodo SSL encryption certificate which gives our payment processing service an extremely high level of security
  • This ensures that all messages travelling between your browser and secureEFT are fully encrypted
  • SecureEFT acts as a proxy between the buyer and the bank to facilitate a faster, safer and easier payment process for both the buyer and the seller
  • Online banking login details are NOT stored by secureEFT
  • SecureEFT is a Level 1 PCI-DSS v3.2 compliant solutions and independently audited.

Can I use secureEFT on my mobile phoine or tablet?

SecureEFT is accessible through all web enabled devices, be it desktop or mobile. Payments can be made via Mobile and ecommerce websites.